Welcome to Dover Airport Service

Your Local Taxi Service Network

Taxi Services We Offer

Airport Runs

We cover all Major airports within the city

Business Trips

We make your trips more comfortable and happy

Short Distances

Travel within the city even if it's short journey

Long Distances

Travel from city to city without any hussle

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. We are licenced by the Council.
Yes. We operate 24 hours 7 days a week, all through the year.
Yes. The prices are fixed for pre booked transfers. But if there are any additional drop offs, pickups or diversions there will be additional charges.
No. We operate a strict no smoking policy in all our vehicles.
An additional surcharge of 50% on the prices listed on this site will be added on the following dates: 25, 26, 31 December as well as 1 January.
Our driver will wait in the arrival hall with your name card usually by the airport information desk.
No. We do not operate a shared taxi service.
No. It is at the passengers discretion.

Service area

We transfer with the city and surrounding areas with our major focus on the regional airports. View our service area for a complete list of destinations.

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Book Your Taxi

There's a reason people choose us

Wedding packages
Executive Fleets

Our Taxi Services have a fleet of mercedes, audi and Jaguar at your disposal.

Group transportation
Reasonable price

Competitive price compare to the market. Why spend so much money?

Hotel transfers
Card Payments

You can now pay upfront by pay-pal or credit or debit card with no extra charges.